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Geo Applets
Java applets and Applications. This is what this page is all
about. All applets have been written by me(George Eleftheriou)
and you have the right to use them free of charge for NON-commercial use. For use on
commercial sites the purchase of a license is required.
The only exception are the applets belonging to category VARIOUS.
Applets belonging to the above category can be
used in Commercial Sites without fee. If you want to use any of these applets
on a commercial site click
here. If you want to use them for non commercial sites(like your personal web page)
click here. There is also a faq page. All applets have been
tested with Netscape 3.04, Netscape Communicator 4.04 and
Internet Explorer 4.
- TextMenu Applet: has a sticky option (20/09/98)
- VScrollerTypeWriter Applet: has undergone a major update.Many new features (18/09/98)
- DropScrollOnebyOne Applet: An applet that combines scroll and drop applet in one.(15/09/98)
- OmniScroller Applet: An applet that scrolls text in any direction.Text can come in and out from different directions.(13/09/98)
- GeoBanner Applet: An applet for creating cool banners (updated12/09/98)
- TextMenu Applet now supports, in addition to center, left and right alignment.
- MenuApplet now supports, in addition to center, left and right alignment.
- RGB applet You can now select colors from a list, use scrollbars, or enter hex or decimal RGB values.
- Horizontal Scroller 1
: A horizontal scroller that displays arbritrary number
of text messages one after the other. Each text message can be associated with a URL.
You can customize text messages, font size, font style
font name, speed, background and foreground color. (Last updated 09/09/98)
- Horizontal Scroller 2
: A horizontal scroller that displays arbritrary number
of text messages one after the other. The strings sweep the applet and stay on the center for a specified time.
Each text message can be associated with a URL.
You can customize strings, font size, font style
font name, background and foreground color. (Last updated 09/09/98)
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- Vertical
Scroller : A Verical scroller that scrolls multiple
lines of text one after the other. Each text message stays at
the center for a specified time and can be associated with a URL. You can customize text,
fontsize, fontname, font style, background and foreground color, the
scrolling speed and the delay when each strings centers. (Last updated 09/09/98)
- A multiple
line Vertical Scroller Fully customizable. Text automatically
wraps at borders. You can specify FontSize, FontName,
FontStyle, Applet size, Background, Foreground, border
color and of course the scrolling text.(Last updated 09/09/98)
- VScrollerTypeWriter applet A multiple line
vertical scroller. Each
line appears as being written in a typewriter. Text
automatically wraps at borders. You can specify FontSize,
FontName, FontStyle, Applet size, Background, Foreground,
border color and of course the scrolling text.
It reads the text from a txt file and you can turn off
wrappinng if you like. Optional Sound support and support for a background image.
Now different parts of text can have their own font name, size, color. Each text
can have its own url link. This applet
has won the "Applet of the week logo" 28/08/98
at java boutique.(Last updated 19/09/98)
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- Omniscroller2 applet :
Omni Scroller 2 applet is a small and fast loading applet that scrolls arbritrary number
of text messages in any of the four directions: UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, or makes
text fade in and out. Text can come in and out from
different directions and stays centered for a specified time.
This applet can behave as a horizontal or vertical applet or fade in out applet, or as a combination of the above.
Each text message can be associated with a URL.
Font size, font name, font style, background and text color, speed of scrolling are fully customizable.
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- FadesInOut Applet :
An applet that displays arbitrary number of quotes fading
in and out . You can specify your own quotes, font name,
font size, font style, speed of fading, background and foreground color. (Last updated 09/09/98)
- FadesInOutURL
Applet : An applet that displays arbitrary number strings
fading in and out . Each string is connected with a URL
and if you click on the applet a new page will appear at
the target window that you specify. You can specify your own strings,
URLs, font name, font size, speed of fading, background and foreground color. (Last updated 09/09/98)
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- A typewriter applet
: The text appears as written in a typewriter but
supports arbritrary number of strings and URLs. You can
customize strings, URLs, fontsize, fontname, speed,
background and foreground color. There is also sound support. (Last updated 09/09/98)
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- Text Menu Applet :
Now you can create quickly and easily cool menus without
creating pictures. This applet accepts an arbitrary
number of strings and URLs and creates a menu either
horizontal or vertical. Each menu item can be aligned center, left or right. Fully configurable. This applet
has won the "Applet of the week logo" 04/09/98
at java boutique.(Updated 20/09/98)
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- Image Menu l:
Create a menu either horizontal or vertical with images
and links that you specify.(Last updated 09/09/98)
- Image Menu 2:
Create a menu either horizontal or vertical with images
and links that you specify. When the mouse is over an
image a second image takes its place. When you press the
mouse button a third image can appear for as long as you
have the mouse pressed. Also if you declare the menu
sticky, the third image will not change until you press
on another image. Four examples included, two with sticky
menus and two without sticky menus.(Last updated 09/09/98)
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- An Image Fader:
An image fades in and out. You can customize the image
and the speed of fading and associate a URL link.(Last updated 09/09/98)
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- Drop One by One
Each letter is dropped on the applet and then the whole message fades out.
You can associate a link with each string.
Font name, style, size, background and foreground colors customizable.
Optional sound support.(Last updated 09/09/98)
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- DropScrollOnebyOne
applet I created this applet combining Drop and Scroll one by one applets. I removed scroll one by one from the
list, but I left drop one by one, because although this new applet is the same, it doesn't have sound support.
This applet has the same performance as the other two and it is only 400bytes bigger in size, total 7.5Kbytes.
Each letter is letter is scrolled horizontally or vertically before it reaches its position and then the whole message fades out.
You can associate a link with each string.
Font name, style, size, background and foreground colors customizable.The two applets(drop and scroll) will soon be one.(updated 15/09/98)
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- GeoBanner Applet
: An applet that accepts arbitrary number of strings and
displays them gradually from center to the edges. The
next string appears gradually on top of the previous one.
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- Menu Applet :
Another quality applet that accepts arbitrary number of
strings and creates a horizontal or vertical menu. You
can customize strings, urls, font size, font name,
foreground and background color. Playing with background
and foreground colors you can create some really cool
effects. See the link above for examples. (Updated
10/09/98) You can now control the alignment of text.
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- RGB applet : An applet
that can help you choose colors easily and quickly selecting colors from a list, using scrollbars, or entering numbers
in text fields. It also performs automatic conversion from
hexadecimal values to decimal values and vice versa.
(Updated 12/09/98 and
works without problems on all browsers)
- Wave Text Another
quality applet that makes text wave. Many parameters to
cut it out to your needs. (27/08/98)
- Window Scroller
A window srolls over custom messages. Each message can be associated with a URL link
- Transparent Pic
An applet that creates a transparent image and scrolls it
over an image that is loaded from the web.
- Expand Text Applet
: This applet shows a string that progressively expands
until it becomes totally visible. You can customize text,
fontsize, fontname, background and foreground color and
speed of expansion.
- Message Applet : An
applet that displays a greeting message according to the
time of day. You can specify your own quotes, FontName,
FontSize, background and foreground color and FontStyle.
IE4 sometimes displays wrong message but Netscape works
- RandomChars applet
: Another sophisticated applet that displays the chars of
a message randomly on the screen. You can customize
string, fontsize, fontname, background and foreground
- Rainbow Color
Text Applet : An applet that displays a customized
message using the colors of the rainbow and giving the
impression that colors scroll. (Updated 01/09/98 and now
works without problems on all browsers)
- PropFontIP applet : An applet
that shows you the properties, the fonts and your IP address. Useful for
checking you Java version and the fonts available on your browser.
- Bouncing Fonts:
Bouncing Fonts. You can customize text, fontsize,
fontname, background and foreground color.
- CountDown applet
: This applet counts down to a specific date with good
accuracy.I say good because it assumes that each month
has 30.4 days.(This is an average value) You can
customize fontsize, fontname, background and foreground
color and the date.
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Some other applets, not for downloading |
- An image Filter This
applet loads a picture and applies a filter that extends
RGBImageFilter. Note: Netscape sometimes throws an
unjustified security exception error.
- An interactive FFT applet
- javaQuiz: (updated
5/06/1998)This is a java quiz. Please note that this
application/applet(it's written both as an application
and as an applet) requires a browser that supports java
1.1. (Note1: this applet is composed of many classes, if
it doesn't start, reload it.).
If you prefer to view it as a jar file click here(This will be
faster since your browser will make only one connection
to the site).
- Finger Applet!!!(8/06/98)Look
who is logged in server egnatia!!! Small bug corrected (13/09/98). Requires a java 1.1
compatible browser.
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- A finger java client: Download
the class and then run it.
- A DNS query java client:
Download the class and then run it.
- Java IDE (updated
20/09/98, TextArea bug corrected) This is an Application that is an IDE
(Integrated Development Environment) for JAVA. It is
completely written in Java 1.1. Download the zip file that contains
instructions and the jar file with all the classes. Of
course don't expect an IDE like the ones from Sun or
Borland, but it is a small (60k) and decent one.
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Page last updated
© Copyright 2001 by Faisal
send comments, bugs to faisal@post.com