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VScroller12 Applet

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This is the code used for the above applet:
<APPLET CODE=VScroller12a.class WIDTH=200 HEIGHT=200>
<PARAM NAME="TextToDisplay" VALUE="This is a Text Scrolling Applet made by George Eleftheriou. Text automatically wraps at borders. You can specify FontSize, FontName, FontStyle, Applet size, Background, Foreground color and the scrolling text.">
<PARAM NAME="URLtoDisplay" VALUE="http://egnatia.ee.auth.gr/~gele/geojava/geojava.html">
<PARAM NAME="Target" VALUE="_blank">
<PARAM NAME="FontSize" VALUE="16">
<PARAM NAME="FontName" VALUE="TimesRoman">
<PARAM NAME="borderCOLOR" VALUE="0,0,0">
<PARAM NAME="bgCOLOR" VALUE="200,200,200">
<PARAM NAME="textCOLOR" VALUE="0,0,0">
<PARAM NAME="Author" VALUE="George Elefheriou">
<PARAM NAME="Email" VALUE="gele@egnatia.ee.auth.gr">
Your browser doesn't support java1.1 or java is not enabled!
Download VScroller12a.zip that contains all necessary files and documentation.

If you need help setting the paramenters that define the background and foreground colors take a look at the RGB applet.

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