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Horizontal Scroller Applet

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This is the code used for the above applet:
<APPLET CODE=hscroller.class WIDTH=400 HEIGHT=100> 
<param name="TextToDisplay" value="Welcome to Geo Home Page;I hope you enjoy your stay;Have a nice day!"> 
<param name="URLtoDisplay" value="http://egnatia.ee.auth.gr/~gele/geojava/geojava.html;
<param name="FontSize" value="24"> 
<param name="FontName" value="TimesRoman"> 
<param name="FontStyle" value="BOLD">
<param name="bgCOLOR" value="200, 200, 150"> 
<param name="textCOLOR" value="0,0,0"> 
<param name="textCOLOR2" value="0,0,255"> 
<param name="Target" value="_blank"> 
<param name="Delay" value="50"> 
<param name="Step" value="2"> 
<param name="Author" value="George Eleftheriou"> 
<param name="Email" value="gele@egnatia.ee.auth.gr"> 
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Download the hscroller.zip that contains all files and documentation.
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