RGB applet shows the combinations of Red Green and Blue colors and does automatic conversion from
hexadecimal values to decimal values and vice versa. Updated (12/09/98). There are four ways to
choose colors:
Scrollbars: Drag them or click in the scroll bar's unit increment(that is the arrows) or block increment areas
List: Double click on an item on the scrolling list
R, G, B fields: Enter a value between 0 and 255 inclusive and click the "Convert to Hex" button.
hex field: Enter a hexadecimal represantation of RGB values and click the "Convert to decimal" button.
Some notes:
Hexadecimal values use the numbers 0-9 and characters A-F.Hex value 00 coresponds to 0 decimal and FF to 255.
The hex value should have 6 characters or numbers, two for each value, R, G, B.
If you enter an invalid number in any of the boxes, a message in the status bar will appear and default values will be used.
Copy the following code and put it in an html file:
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Download the class and put it in the same Directory