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VScrollerTypeWriter Applet Examples

This applet has won the  prize(28/08/98)
Updated 18/09/98 : In addition to background image and sound now vertical scroller can have different parts of the text with different font names, styles and colors. Each part can have its own link. Most parameters have been transfered to the message file.

Example 1: Using a background image

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This is the code used for the above applet:
<APPLET CODE=VScrollerTypeWriter.class WIDTH=200 HEIGHT=200>
<PARAM NAME="FileName" VALUE="message.txt">
<PARAM NAME="WrapAtBorders" VALUE="Yes">
<PARAM NAME="Image" VALUE="bg2.jpg">
<PARAM NAME="BorderTop" VALUE="10">
<PARAM NAME="BorderBottom" VALUE="5">
<PARAM NAME="BorderLeft" VALUE="12">
<PARAM NAME="BorderRight" VALUE="10">
<PARAM NAME="Delay" VALUE="50">
<PARAM NAME="Sound" VALUE="Yes">
<PARAM NAME="Author" VALUE="George Elefheriou">
<PARAM NAME="Email" VALUE="gele@egnatia.ee.auth.gr">
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Example 2: Using a background color

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This is the code used for the above applet:
<APPLET CODE=VScrollerTypeWriter.class WIDTH=400 HEIGHT=200>
<PARAM NAME="FileName" VALUE="message.txt">
<PARAM NAME="WrapAtBorders" VALUE="No">
<PARAM NAME="BorderLeft" VALUE="2">
<PARAM NAME="Delay" VALUE="50">
<PARAM NAME="Sound" VALUE="Yes">
<PARAM NAME="Author" VALUE="George Elefheriou">
<PARAM NAME="Email" VALUE="gele@egnatia.ee.auth.gr">
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If you want to look at the message.txt click here
Download VscrollerTypeWriter.zip that contains all the necessary files and documentation.
This applet was last updated on 18/09/98.
If you need help setting the paramenters that define the background and foreground colors take a look at the RGB applet.
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