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Geo Applets FAQ
Do I have to pay to use the applets? |
You can use them free of charge if your site is non commercial. If your site is commercial the purchase of a license
is required.
If your site advertises or sells products or services or if you have people who get paid for creating or maintaining
your site, it is considered commercial.
How can I purchase a license? |
There are many ways available. Click here for more information.
What do I do when an applet doesn't work? |
First make sure that you have read of the documentation that accompanies each applet carefully.
Now some other things that you must take into consideration.
- Make sure that there are no spelling mistakes in your html code. Check the parameters again.
Parameter names are not case sensitive but parameter values are. Parameter name "FontSize" is
the same as "Fontsize", or "FONTSIZE", but value "message.txt" is different from value "MESSAGE.TXT".
- It is a good practise and many times necessary to include the name and values of parameters in quotes.
Failure to do so may cause the program to behave improperly.
E.g. param name="FontSize" value="12". Remember the most errors are caused by spelling mistakes.
- Important:In some applets that you must separate multiple values with semicolon ";" the LAST value must NOT
have a semicolon.The following example is wrong: value="1;2;3;". The correct is value="1;2;3"
- Important:Target variable must have the name of the frame you want the URL to appear.
The name of the frames don't have to start with "_" and they shouldn't start because I discovered a bug in
Internet Explorer.E.g. you can call them "frame1", "mainframe", but not "_frame1" or "_mainframe". This might not
work with IE.
Target can also have the values "_self", "_blank","_top" and "_parent".These values
have a special meaning which is explained in the documentation that accompanies each applet.
- Color values should be defined as "R,G,B" values where 0<=R,G,B<=255. If you write "white" or
"red" it won't work. I have updated RGB applet to help you choose colors.
- Class names are also case sensitive.Class files should not be renamed except
if your browser saved them with other name.
- Images, sound and text files that are associated with the applet should be in the same directory with your class file.
- When you upload class files on your web page
check that files are sent in binary mode and that your ftp program doesn't do
automatic conversion of file names to lowercase.
- Check the java console for error messages.
If you still have a question send me an email, reporting your problem in great detail , e.g. your browser,
your Operating System, your html code, and if possible an example or a URL where I can see the problem.
Also check my java page in which I post updated versions
Can I change ALL the parameters? |
Yes except for Author and Email.
Author and Email do not affect your applet as long as they stay as they are.
Someone will see them only if he looks at html source.
As I say in the license agreement, Author and Email must not be changed. If they are
changed the applets stop working because I have made them work like that.
These parameters constitute an acknowledgement to the author.
Why this applet doesn't work on X browser? |
Although I tried and succeeded my applets to work with all the latest versions of browsers
you cannot expect to work on all browsers. Internet Explorer 4 works with all. Netscape 3.04 or later should work with all except for those
who need full java 1.1 support. You need a java 1.1 patch for this.
Can I make a suggestion or comment? |
I am always open to comments and suggestions(even unfavorable ones).
Send me an email.
If I find something interesting I will implement it, but I don't know if I will have
the time to do it.
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